miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2006


I'm about to smoke a joint with the great Al, landiman and Kim... nothing else is needed for this post, and for what's to come, I guess.

(by the way, those three guys haven't been writing, on their blogs, lately.)

5 comentarios:

  1. sí, algún día tendremos que fumar juntos uno de estos...

  2. tu, marica, perquè no has lincat el meu blog? I què vol dir que la universitat on donaves classes ha fet "bankrupt"?

  3. doncs sí que t'havia linkat, capullo, però em vaig equivocar... ara ja està arreglat.

    y para la de la tribu, ok, si eres mujer de medidas standard, pues yo te daré medidas standard, no problem :)

  4. Anónimo11:50 a. m.

    i just like the picture of the guy. he's cute :)

  5. no idea who's the guy on the picture... but yeah, he's kinda cute... who are you, btw?
