miércoles, 2 de junio de 2004

Problems with comments

My friend Choche reports that on my post "tWenty siX" (24th of May) there are three comments you can see only if you view this page with Netscape/Mozilla. They don't appear with Internet Explorer. It's so weird I don't know what to think or do anymore. I can just say I'm sorry, and that I was quite happy to see three comments to that post (Choche, it was actually quite deceiving that you forgot my birthday, but since it's only the first time you forget, it's okay :)... there's always a first time for everything... or there should be, at least ;)!)
The thing is I can't just change to another commenting system, since first I have to figure out how to keep all the old comments. And since I still don't host this blog on my own webspace, it would be quite useless to change to another free hosting comments system that I'm sure would also fail as much as the one I have now. Ok, no more of this for today. Better systems will come that will make this blog more democratic. Until then, I'm afraid complete democracy on this blog will be constrained by lack of resources. Just like in the real world.

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