miércoles, 18 de abril de 2007

Marybeth and Christina

I start a new series of posts that will portrait different people that have slept in my place, either in my room or in landiman's (most of the time, it's in his room). I will tag them all with the tag "guests". Hopefully, in the future, we'll be able to navigate this tag and plan a trip around the world, "with a little help from my guests" :)

Let's start with Marybeth and Christina, the latest guests that we've had in our humble, yet friendly, flat. So there it goes:

Marybeth and Christina smoke weed all day long. I mean, all day long. Like I father, I was proud to offer them the remaining of our neighbor's plant. It was just lovely to see them smoke and enjoy. They reminded me so much of my sweetest memories in Berkeley, of my sweetest memories of early youth (yes, I'm still young: accepting one's adultness involves a kind of conformity that I resist to embrace)

I was also 23 when I arrived in Berkeley, and it was just amazing to live with a couple of 23 year-old girls for some days. Plus, they rolled the joints really well (women always grow up faster for everything related to vice, or maybe I will just never be able to roll like a pro)

We did other things other than smoking. Here's a list:

-enjoy a night of music videos with youtube as the perfect dj
-smoke strawberry tobacco with the water pipe that my colleagues at Anuntis bought me as a goodbye present
-walk along the old town around 12 at night, after two hours of jazz at jamboree (sant felip neri was just amazing under the orange light of the street lamps)
-take pictures of the hair style of landiman after christina's attempt to make his hair look like hers
-laugh a lot with the concept "blow dryer"

And well, I guess that's all I wanted to say. Yes, I guess I'm a little bit tired.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hermoso tu post. Sólo te debo alertar de que en tu linda publicidad se anuncia un fulanos oriundo de Begues, Catalunya, del Partido Popular. Aguas con tu publicidad.

  2. Mi querida Mariana, me alegro de que te gustara el post: eres sin duda mi lectora más agradecida :)
    Y lo de la publicidad, pues lo puse y ahora me da flojera quitarlo.
