viernes, 7 de mayo de 2004

Having a flatmate

I think this is the perfect summary of what having a flatmate means... from the crossroads, of course (by the way, joaquin, if you search for "bernardo" at your page, you get way more results than with fruitman... a bit jelaous I am, I must say)

"Yesterday, when I was hanging my clothes in my closet, Bernardo came to the door of my room and did his little karate "hee-ya", and scared me to the point of screaming "OHHHH! FUUUUUUUCK!!!", over and over again... I haven't been so scared in a long time.... not even when Belnie and I went to watch "Freddy vs. Jason" at the cinemas in Shattuck.
Damn you Belnie, you're scarier than both of them..."

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